5030 Brunson Drive,

Memorial Building Ste. 225,

Coral Gables FL 33146


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Join us at 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16 for a screening of the historical drama “Rosewood,” about the 1923 attack by a racist lynch mob on the all-Black prosperous Florida town in 1923.

ROSEWOOD | 1997 | DIRECTOR: John Singleton | WITH: Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle, Jon Voight, Bruce McGill, Esther Rolle | RUNNING TIME: 2H 20M | RATED R for violence and some sexuality | PROJECTED IN 2K DIGITAL

In 1923, a black town in Florida was burned to the ground, its people murdered because of a lie. Some escaped and survived because of the courage and compassion of a few extraordinary people. This film is for them.


“Rosewood” was expensive, and there is some question in the industry about what audiences will be drawn to it; it’s not easily summarized in ads and does not obviously appeal to either Blacks (since it documents such a depressing chapter) or whites (depicted as murderous or ineffectual). Perhaps it will appeal to people looking for a well-made film that tells a gripping, important story. Now there’s a notion.” – Roger Ebert

Tickets are $7 (price includes service fee) and available at link above. Students use code UMSTUDENT at checkout for free admission. Cane card must be shown at the door.

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